Avoid Stress and Recharge this Holiday.
We cannot escape stress. We may experience stress if we are under lots of pressure, facing big challenges in life or we are worried about something. We have to understand though we don’t have much or any control over the outcome of a situation, we have the sole control over our well-being by taking care of our body and mind.
In addition to keeping your body and brain active and ready to go, here are some benefits of recharging. When you recharge your body and brain, you restore the energy you need to take you through your day.
- Better quality of sleep. Sleeping for 9-12 hours per night restores energy.
- Improved learning abilities and energy levels.
- Increased memory retention and focus.
There are likewise plenty of non-sleep activities that we can do to recharge:
- Reading or putting a puzzle together
- Practicing low-intensity exercise like yoga
- Journaling or coloring
- Practicing deep breathing or grounding exercises
In order to help us achieve adequate rest and achieve a quality sleep, apply Pau Liniment after shower or bath before bedtime to help achieve a restful sleep.
Also, Pau Liniment is a natural and topical relief to manage the symptoms of pasma and at the same time ease your aching muscles and joint pains.
- Pau Liniment is your quick, safe and long-lasting relief from mild to moderate pain problems. Unlike oral pain relievers, Pau Liniment allows introduction of treatment directly to the affected area. It has PSICAPMO extract, an active ingredient only found in Pau Liniment which reduces pain and inflammation.
- The PSICAPMO extract in PAU LINIMENT seeps deep within layers of skin to reach target joints, muscles, and connecting tissues. It likewise effectively reduces the underlying swelling for much deeper freedom from pain.
- The potent blend of premium herbs in PAU LINIMENT and its soothing scent effectively calms the body to a relaxed state of comfort and ease of mobility.
Make Pau Liniment your all-day trusted companion to ease your problems caused by stress, anxiety and other related pains and discomforts.
Also available PDA Herbal Capsule to further boost your immune system.
Achieve that freedom movement from joint pains every day.
Reference: Healthline/mind.org