The Best Way to Improve Your Relationship Through Sleep
No relationship, especially marriage, is happy all the time. By focusing on your partner’s strength
and by being sensitive to his/her needs can help improve your relationship and will give you both
many years of wedded bliss.
One factor that may affect a relationship is the amount of sleep you or your partner may have.
Sleep affects mood and disposition. Sleeping better allows us to have more self-control, which
means we’re less likely to lash out at another person even if provoked.
Sleep is important for relationships. Here are some reasons why it is important.
Lack of sleep can make you sick and tired.
- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) insufficient sleep can put you at risk for health issues including diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, and depression.
- Other issues stem from insufficient sleep too such as common colds. Missing out on dinners or important events because you’re at home sick with colds can wear your relationship.
Different sleep schedules can also cause problems in your relationship.
- If you’re in a relationship and work odd-hour shifts, making plans to see the people who matter to you can be a challenge. It is really difficult to find time for a cookout if you work a night shift while your partner works 9 to 5.
Here are some ways to help you achieve that good sleep while keeping your relationship:
Create a relaxing bedroom environment. Your environment affects your sleep quality, so it is important to create a space that is relaxing and conducive to better sleep. Some adjustments may help such as the ff:
- Keep the bedroom cool
- Invest in a quality mattress and pillows
- Ensure a dark bedroom
- Minimize disruptions
- Avoid screens.
Keep the lights in your room low. The circadian rhythm that helps you fall asleep at night and wakes you up in the morning, can be manipulated depending on the amount of light you are exposed to.
Avoid blue light. The blue light that comes from the computer screens, televisions, cellphones and other devices can inhibit your body’s ability to create melatonin, the hormone your body produces to promote sleep. The blue light is making it difficult for your body to fall asleep.
Take a warm bath. The change in temperature that your body experiences when you get out of the bath can relax your body and make you feel sleepy.
Drink a warm beverage. A warm non-caffeinated beverage such as milk or herbal tea can help with evening relaxation.
To further assist you in achieving a good sleep, apply Pau Liniment after shower or bath before bedtime to help you have a restful and quality sleep. Apply it on your arms, legs, neck and back.
To further assist you in achieving a good sleep, apply Pau Liniment after shower or bath before bedtime to help you have a restful and quality sleep. Apply it on your arms, legs, neck and back.
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